Here’s the next video in our blog series “Dr. Dana Answers Your Questions.” Today’s question is from Joe: “How do you improve your marriage after years of disappointment time and time again?” Please comment below the video to ask your own questions or just to let us know what you think. We’re frequently shooting new […]

Making yourself a promise to shed some pounds, get in shape, and/or change an unhealthy diet are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions, and it’s easy to understand why – not only are we a nation obsessed with junk food and body image, but it’s also a pretty natural backlash from the indulgence […]

We recently made a post highlighting several ways men could step it up to be ideal husbands in the coming year. This time it’s the ladies’ turn. Just like last time, these are all tips that will help you get closer to the “ideal” woman for your husband, and while everyone has their own preferences, […]

As a society, we spend more time online today than we ever have in the past. With more and more Wifi connections, smartphones, the commonplace practice of having internet service in our homes, connected TVs and Blu-ray players, tablets, home computers and work computers – at any given moment, any one of us is only […]

Every year, people of all walks of life look to the beginning of the New Year as a fresh start, a chance to set goals for self improvement over the 12 months to come. The unfortunate reality, however, is that while plenty of people make New Year’s resolutions, very few are ever accomplished. Research from […]

Building a romantic relationship almost always begins with having something in common, whether it’s taste in music, a favorite restaurant, a movie you both recently saw – there’s got to be something to spark a conversation. As you grow closer, you likely find more and more opinions you share, things you enjoy doing together, places […]

In our last Monthly Membership Call, titled “Random Acts of Kindness,” we encountered a pretty tough question – and when that happens, we feel it’s important to pull that information together and present it here. After all, if the question seems tough to us, we can only assume that it’s a problem other people might […]

While every relationship is different, some problems that occur in marriages are quite common – they are simply the realities of spending a lot of close time with someone, and with a few tools at our disposal, we can help overcome the common problems and keep our marriages happy and healthy (or get back to […]

A new marriage study published by Pew Research Center shows that marriage rates are down across the country, from the number of Americans currently married, the percentage of people in this country that have ever been married. The statistics are very telling of trends in our culture, but why are the trends changing? Among the […]

Only recently have psychologists and marriage experts begun digging into the negative effects that pornography use can have on marriages, and relationships in general. The results of these studies are grim, to say the least. In our modern, technology saturated culture, porn is more readily available than ever before, and that is an extremely important […]