Did you know that one of the most common issues that bring couple to therapy is disagreements about their sex life? A relationship is considered to have a problem with sex if either spouse is unhappy with the quality and/or quantity of sex. There are many different reasons why couples have difficulty in their sexual […]

Here’s one of those points that women typically don’t like to hear. In 15 years of doing marriage counseling, I’ve never met a man who had an affair, who was satisfied with the sex life in his marriage. And by satisfied, I don’t mean just regularly having sex; I mean, I’ve never seen a man […]

Want more (and better!) sex in your marriage? Do you feel like sex is a chore? How about more romance with your sex? Do you just want to be wanted? Understanding What Turns a Woman On There is a key point that men should understand about the average woman’s arousal process: most women need to […]

The reality is that once we are married, we spend a lot of time as husband and wife, paying the bills, taking care of the family.  We spend a lot of time as mom and dad, playing with the kids and parenting in a marriage.  But if we are not careful, we spend very little […]

In WebMd’s article, “Why Women Cheat: Insights in common reasons why women have affairs,” by Tammy Worth, Tammy looks at the various reasons women may participate in extramarital affairs. Thea discusses the differences inherent in men and women and what drives them to cheat. She profiles one Thea, who turned to Internet Dating site, Ashley […]

Do you feel as if the romance is gone from your marriage?  Does sex feel like “wham, bam, thank you, m’am?” Do you want more or better sex? Do you feel like sex is a chore?  Do you just want to be wanted? Make Love Throughout the Whole Day One of the things couples have […]

Do you feel your sex life is unsatisfactory? Is the romance gone from your marriage?  Do you want more physical intimacy and closeness? Do you want more or better sex?  Is there more that you want, but you don’t know what to say or how to say it to your partner? It’s Critical To Talk […]

Many of you write to us and say ““We’re not in love anymore.  Can that “in love” feeling ever come back?”   Have you heard the words “not in love?”  Do you long for a return of the passion and excitement that you had early in your relationship?  Do you want that “in love” feeling back […]

Would you like to listen in on a conversation between Dr. Dana Fillmore, JW Najarian and Bob Schecter of NetworkingFools.com?  You’ll hear Dr. Fillmore debunk many myths about relationships, marriage and therapy.  Do you want the answers to these questions? Why do so many marriages fail and what can you do about it? What’s the […]