No matter how careful or connected they may be, couples fight sometimes – it’s just a reality of being in a long-term relationship. We can’t expect to see eye to eye on every single thing, to never make a mistake and upset our spouse, to never fall victim to being snappy or short tempered with […]

Today is the day! Dr. Dana is visiting the Steve Harvey show to talk about relationships, marriage, and overcoming the problem of bickering! She’s sitting down with real life couples to offer expert advice with a personal touch. Steve Harvey, the popular comedian, radio show host, fashion entrepreneur, author, and game show host, has been […]

This coming Friday, December 6th, 2013, Dr. Dana is paying a visit to the Steve Harvey Show to offer some insight on a topic many couples have trouble with: bickering. Bickering is a little different from “regular” arguments because it has more to do with general irritation than a specific topic. Bickering is when you’re arguing for […]

Recently, Jerry Seinfeld made a brief appearance on Ali Wentworth’s series Daily Shot. Over the course of the conversation, Jerry made a comment that can teach many, many couples a valuable lesson. Jerry told the host that he doesn’t fight much with his wife because he simply doesn’t feel the need to win arguments. Now, […]

Arguments happen, but when you and your spouse seem to be at odds for no reason, there is usually an underlying problem with communication. When there are roadblocks to effectively communicating, not only is it difficult to resolve problems or navigate disagreements, it can also put a damper on the most minor day-to-day interaction. Here’s […]

When couples argue, it’s all too common for past problems to come up. When tensions are high and emotions are raging, we can’t help but roll all of the problems into one, focusing our anger toward the person for ALL of their actions, instead of the issue at hand. We’ve spoken before about keeping your […]

A recent study by UCLA psychologists has confirmed a principle we believe in (with a few tweaks and suggestions, of course!): for relationships to work for the long term, both members of a couple must be willing to compromise and make sacrifices. It sounds like a no brainer, but you’d be amazed by the numbers […]

Men and women have different ways of expressing themselves, as we all know. When your wife is giving you a hard time, chances are she isn’t trying to pick a fight, but has some issues with the way you are treating her (or not treating her). For a lot of men, though, it’s tough to […]

According to a 16 year research study by the University of Michigan, the way a couple deals with conflict is a good indicator of whether or not that marriage will be successful. Couples that use more constructive behavior and strategies when they have disagreements are more likely to succeed in their marriage. The study looked […]