Make This Father’s Day Special

This Sunday marks a day of recognition for all the Dads out there, and the truth is, most of the probably don’t really want presents! Not to over-generalize here, but the majority of guys out there seem to be content with the possessions they have (most of the time) – that’s why he’s still using that 20 year old wallet, the one held together with duct tape and a piece of string.

So how do you show appreciation for the man who doesn’t want any new stuff?

You let him know how important he is to you and your family, you tell him honestly and directly how much he means and how much his actions improve your life. (Even if he DOES want gifts, a little praise won’t hurt anyone!)

Sometimes it’s all too easy to take the role of a husband and father for granted – they can be the unsung heroes of the family! Men like to have their egos stroked from time to time, so why not take this great opportunity to let him know just how special he is. You can do this in your own way, of course, but here’s a good place to start:

Step 1: List the top five things that you’re thankful for about him

1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________

Step 2: List five special things he does

1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________

Sit down and write a letter in this form:

Dear _________,

This Father’s Day, I want you to know how thankful I am for you, and all the things you do. I want to take this moment to list the things I love about you.

I am thankful for _______________, ______________, ________________, _______________, and _____________.
I appreciate you because ______________, _________________, ________________, __________________, and _________________.

Happy Father’s Day!
I love you,


What do you do to make father’s day special? Let us know in the comments!

Wishing you a lifetime of happiness,

Dr. Dana And Amy

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